With tears in their eyes, father and son are carrying his family’s “miracle baby” in their arms

As they held their newborn for the first time since her birth, a father and his son started crying. A video on Instagram that has already gone viral showed the touching moment and their wonderful expressions.
To appease their son David, who had long desired a sibling, Joo Prudencio Neto and his wife prayed fervently for God to grant them another child. They soon experienced their miracle when they naturally gave birth to a baby girl named Giovanna.


In March, the infant was received by the family, making everyone happy and appreciative. No one seemed to be more moved by this miracle than Neto and his son, who were speechless at first upon first seeing the tiny beauty.
All they could do at that very time was cry tears of thanksgiving as memories of years of anguish, sleepless nights spent crying, and persistent prayers came to memory.

In addition to reminiscing on their years of hardship, Neto uploaded a video of this touching and lovely occasion to Instagram. The new father is seen in the video sitting on the couch with his kid on his lap.
The little boy, who was tenderly cradling the infant, first seemed frazzled. However, as soon as he saw his little sister’s serene face, he started sobbing hysterically, and his father followed suit a short while after.

The boy’s father spoke a few words of consolation in his ear, but this did nothing except stir up their already intense feelings. By saying sweet nothings to the little girl, the pair also showed their affection for her and formally welcomed her into their family.


After giving birth to David, Neto became sterile, but he continued to believe in God for a miracle, as stated in the caption. Carolina Prudencio, his wife, finally conceived naturally after almost 10 years of patiently waiting.

Neto is still indebted to Jesus Christ for this gift of health and the miracle of delivery. The guy, who is now a happy father of two, thinks that sharing his experience may encourage other people who are still holding out hope for a miracle. He stated:



Giovanna’s birth is a gift for everyone who hopes to someday experience the miracle that only Jesus can do, not only for our family.
Such inspiring tales undoubtedly aid individuals in overcoming adversity and inspire hope for a miracle that will transform their life.

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