Mom Who Was Triplet Gives Birth To Quadruplets After Waiting Ten Years To Have Baby

Kayla Glines has multiple reasons to be happy as the world’s first triplet to give birth to quads. Against all odds, Kayla, 32, gave birth to Reese, Jameson, Oaklee and Lincoln.

A stunning photo shows the toddlers snuggled up together … much like an old family album of baby Kayla alongside her triplet brother and sister.

Her incredible story spans over a decade of hope, patience, despair and finally unbridled joy as her wish to start a family with her husband Allen came true.

So when she conceived again – this time naturally – Kayla was stunned to find out she was to have four more children.
She said: “We just couldn’t believe it when I went for a scan and the doctor told me I was pregnant with quads.

“We had been trying for so many years to get pregnant naturally and finding out that I was going to have four babies, especially when I am a triplet myself, it was just amazing.



“We were very nervous as we knew how risky a quadruple pregnancy could be, but luckily all the babies were born safely. »
Kayla and social worker Allen, who live in Salt Lake City, Utah, had previously adopted her brother’s two daughters, now aged eight and six, before starting fertility treatment in 2016.

Two of the triplets were born safe and sound in August 2017 and the quads arrived in March this year. The couple now have six children under the age of two – and eight in total.

Kayla added, “Sometimes Allen and I can’t believe what happened to us. We spent 10 years trying to start a family and now we have a huge family of eight children and us!

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