Talented Little Boy Plays Piano While Parents Shop At Costco

There are a few things that come to mind when I think of Costco: snacks in bulk, little samplers in every aisle so you know exactly what you’re buying, and seemingly worth it line-ups at cash. The reason why these line-ups are worth it is because you save a ton at Costco, and even get some of the best finds. And, not to mention, that as a kid, when my parents and me would stand in those lines to cash out, I’d always get some money to grab an ice cream cone from the Costco Cafe. All of this is expected there, but a brilliant musical performance is not one of them— until now.


When I start planning my trip to the gigantic superstore filled with large boxes of products in bulk, there are always a few things to consider. First, unless it’s absolutely necessary, I never go to Costco on the weekends. It’s hard enough to find parking and navigate the crowded aisles with those extra large shopping carts on a weekday, and there must be twice as many people on a Saturday or Sunday.

Second, I never eat lunch beforehand. As anyone who shops at Costco is aware, they have tons of free samples, and if you try one of everything, it’s practically enough for a meal. If it isn’t, the prepared food at the Costco cafeteria is very good and inexpensive.

Finally, I expect to come home with a bunch of stuff that I was not aware that I needed. Costco has food, clothing, furniture, and more, and the selection is pretty expansive. The local Costco in this video even sells pianos!

While it never occurred to me to buy a piano from Costco, it did occur to one young boy to play the piano in the store—much to everyone’s delight. The boy, Jake Clayton, is an accomplished musician, even at his very young age. He plays the piano like he’s commanding the stage at a famous venue and gives an amazing, concert-worthy performance for all of the shoppers and onlookers. Even more impressive, the boy does it all without a seat.

With his retro-style jacket and hat, Jake looks like a performer well beyond his years. If you were shopping in the store and heard him before you saw him, you were in for a fun surprise.

Please watch Jake work his magic below and don’t forget to like and share his astounding performance!

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